Beginning at 10:30 am a very enthused group of girls began the unofficial Sex and the City
Tour! No tour buses or tour guides for us, no way. Just a handful of SATC lovers who so graciously shared their research with a bunch of "dreamers." We hit a total of 12 locations: St. Mark's Comics, Ristorante Il Cantinori, Starbucks Coffee, The New York Public Libary, Bryant Park (fashion road-kill!), the HBO store, Christie's, Manolo Blahnik, Tortilla Flats, Magnolia Bakery, Carrie's Apartment (I'm missing one...)!
The tour included a good mix of spots from the TV series and the movie including Ristorante Il Cantinori where in season 4 Carrie gets stood up at her birthday party. Turns out, it's right in our neighborhood! I might have to make a reservation at some point...

We had a very festive lunch at Tortilla Flats where Carrie, Aiden, Miranda, and Steve dined.
The music was loud and the food was cheap. My kind of Mexican food.
Apparently lots of celebs like it too...
Blake Lively and Penn Badgely were just there (fyi for any GG fans!).

Of course we couldn't go on a SATC tour without hitting Manolo Blahnik. You would have never even known you walked by it if you weren't looking for it. Seriously, this was the only indication of the legendary shop. Gotta love Manolo. They had the pair of silver heels that Carrie had stolen off her feet on display.
We were also indulged in some ridiculously tasty cupcakes from the world famous Magnolia Bakery. Of course, Carrie and Miranda had a cupcake or two in SATC, but Magnolia is famous for their sweet treats without the help of HBO.

<-- Undeniably delicious! Vanilla cake with chocolate icing, the best!
After our cupcake, we had the chance to very discreetly take a peek at Carrie's residence in SATC. Now, we were in the West Village, which Carrie's character couldn't actually afford, so in the show they always said her apartment was in the Upper East Side, when in reality her apartment is located in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in all of Manhattan. As you can see, there was a chain and oh-so-kind sign at the bottom of the steps prohibiting loitering, and we weren't technically allowed to take pictures, but I managed to snap one without getting yelled at by the police that patrol the street (crazy, right?!). So there they, THE steps of Ms. Carrie Bradshaw! It really is a beautiful brown-stone. Not that I could imagine ever being able to afford living anywhere near that street, but it was fun to pass by and "discreetly" stare :)
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