Before hitting a restaurant for a late dinner Ash opened her gifts from us girls. I gave her Madeleine, l'édition en français. Madeleine is Ashley's most favorite childhood series, she still loves Madeleine to this day, and since she is taking French at USC this fall (as am I), I thought it was pretty appropriate. Of course she loved it, and here she is, loving it...
I also threw in a bag of her favorite candy: Sour Patch Kids :)
Due to my 20-ness, I didn't get to partake in all of the festivities the day had to offer, but I was able to join with her in Mexican food at El Cantinero. Food was good, but I must say, I was a bit disappointed with the staff for not tossing a ridiculously large sombrero on her head and shaking their maracas to Feliz Cumpleanos! Despite how many times we each reminded them of Ashley's reason for celebrating they just didn't acknowledge it with any sort of song and dance. Or flan for that matter. In the words of Madeleine, "Poo Poo" to them!
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