Last night was UOD's "Dinner Cruise." Now I know everyone likes to give us a hard time because we are in University of Dreams, not the most legitimate sounding name, I am aware of that. However, this summer has been pretty stinkin amazing (I can't believe I only have 3 weeks left!) and UOD has hooked us up with lots of sweet deals and planned lots of things I have thoroughly enjoyed, including the Dinner Cruise!

The entire Friday was beautiful weather-wise, which furnished a spectacular sunset for us as we set sail. We were still docked at this point so the scenery wasn't the best (Chelsea Pier to the right and New Jersey across the water), but the point was to capture how gorgeous the sky looked.
The view from our dinner table inside was equally spectacular. As we dined we had sparkling views of Manhattan, Ellis Island, the Statue of Liberty, and I actually saw some stars! I just barely could make out the Big Dipper with all the lights from the city, but just barely being able to see it put a smile on my face.
We tried to get some pictures with the skyline in the background but unfortunately my camera didn't want to cooperate much. Oh well, still goods pics of me and Ash!

We also had a really fun dance party on the boat. The DJ was good and few things beat dancin it out with the girls! Capturing the silliness is always difficult when it's not candid, but I think this picture does a decent job of conveying our antics, while trying to take a vertical shot on a boat that (as all boats do) would rock back and forth at the most unhelpful moments.
Boat rocking aside, just another night to file away as an excellent evening in NYC!
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