Saturday was a very laid back day that took me to Brooklyn. I visited the Brooklyn Museum of History...and it was...okay. Sorry, Brooklyn.
Sunday had more excitement, however. Rachel and I went to the zoo! We took the subway alllllll the way to the Bronx Zoo. It was by-far the most interesting commute I've made thus say the least. But thankfully I had Rachel there to experience it with, haha.
The zoo was a way good time, felt like a kid again. I always get a good laugh out of public places that have lots of kids around. Merely because I find it entertaining to watch one kid having the time of his/her life, totally into whatever is going on, while another kid is throwing a professional tantrum and making it very clear to everyone within a 5 mile radius that he/she is ready to go home/is hot/fell down/wants more cotton candy/can't see the tigers/etc. Why is this funny to me? you ask. I don't know, but for some reason I find myself smirking on the outside and laughing on the inside.
Aside from the free entertainment, the animals at the zoo were good too. The zoo itself is very pretty, and very enjoyable to just walk around in. Rachel and I first took the "Africa Trail," then hit "The Himalayas" somehow made it to "Tiger Mountain" and everywhere in-between, with the exception of "Mouse House" and the reptiles. We steered clear of those lil guys.
Who doesn't love the giraffe?!
Rachel and I wanted to see the tigers so bad, but we found out that's where the rest of the Bronx was too...
Rachel and I after we explored. We asked our picture-taker to get the building in the background....but as you can see that didn't really work out haha. Oh, well, we had a good day.
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