A fun brief of my days in New York City!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

whatta day. and it's not over yet!

Saturday has been FAB-U-LOUS!
Began with a 9:30 am bus tour of the city. Here's a handful of pics:

Ground Zero

Ground Zero Memorial

<-- Lady Liberty

If you watch ANTM you geth this one.

Pic for my parents :) The Beatles always stayed here at the Warwick when in NY

The rockettes break it down here. And the American Girl shot is for Anna & Tess!

This is for real, peeps. Gross.

And a lil bit of Central Park! Stawberry Fields Foreva (said in British accent)

We had lunch at ESPN Zone. The whole place was filled with guys watching some crazy soccer match. You would be eating your meal and then suddenly men would just starting cheering and yelling, sometimes cursing... It was quite an entertaining atmosphere.

Now it's off to dinner. I'll post my restaurant review tomorrow :)

1 comment:

mully86 said...

Love the naked cowboy!