so wow. A LOT has happened in the past 36 hours. Woke up 4:30 am yesterday, got on a plane, and made my way to New York! So ok, I totally couldn't help but get a little emotional when I had to say bye to the fam. Come on, if ya know me, ya know I'm close to my family.
Once I was on the plane I just waited and waited and waited for us to take off. We cruised at 33,000 ft, according to our pilot. I always love it when they tell you how fast you're going, how high up you are, etc. Quite exhilarating. I think my favorite part of the plane ride was when we landed. We came skidding into JFK and the guy down the aisle from me whispered, "Praise Jesus. We didn't die," followed by a kiss toward the air, presumably Jesus :)
After that I waited some more. My shuttle left me hanging at the airport for nearly an hour but it was ok. I mostly just watched all the different people around me. When they say international airport, they mean international airport! The shuttle was one was speaking english. I did my best to make out some landmarks as we came over from Long Island but it's a little difficult for someone who's never been. Going through the tunnel that pops you out in Manhattan was awesome, it was like being transported to another universe (Queens --> Manhattan)! You probably would assume this after seeing movies and such, but New Yorkers honk their horns like there is no tomorrow. Seriously, the sounds of the city are basically characterized by constant honking. Getting my luggage over to NYU was pretty funny. I had more suitcases than hands, as my new friend Laura did, and we struggled and struggled and didn't get very far until 4 guys in suits walked up and offered to help us. It was perfect. Not only did it lighten my load but it was nice to see someone in New York offering to help a girl out!
Then came registration, unpacking, meeting the room mate, a welcome dinner (3 courses and ice breaker games wooooooo!) and then we were free. I really wanted to see Times Square so my friend Angela offered to go with me. As soon as we walked out the lobby it started pouring rain. All day it had been cloudy but this was major storm. We debated was our first night though, there was no way we were letting some thunder and lightning stop us from seeing Time Square!! It was time to suck it up. We made a few wrong turns finding the subway, clearly you can't learn a city like this in 1 afternoon. As we are quickly walking through the rain this huge flash of lightning made an even more huge (and terrifying) clap of thunder happen. Angela and I freaked out. It was hilarious, yet I think both of us feared for our lives for a few moments there...
A short subway ride (by the way, I am a subway natural!) later and we were at 42nd and Broadway and it was BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!! Some told me Times Square is too
overwhelming, but I LOVED IT! It really takes your breath away!
Unfortunately we couldn't stay long because it was gettin late and the subway was about to stop making runs for the day so we headed back. It was the perfect ending to my first day in New York City :)
Today has been a lot of "orienting." Orientation and subway practice. I found out a fellow UODer is interning at Lime with me so we practiced getting to work. It's a little bit trickier with the transfers but we figured it out and made our way to Hudson Square. That's the name of the gorgeous building I'll be working at starting tomorrow at flippin excited!